May Girl's Night Out!
Come join us on Wednesday, May 31st at all of our Carolina Pottery locations for a Girls Night Out Event!
This event will take place from 6-8pm, and feature lots of fun activities and giveaways!
The evening's schedule will be as follows:
6:30pm: Free Demo - Boxwood Wreath & Mixed Bow
7:30pm: Free Demo - Backyard Summer BBQs!
Three Gift Card Drawings!!- $25, $50 and $75
We will be giving away 3 Carolina Pottery gift cards!
- 6:15pm -$25.00 gift card
- 7:15pm -$50.00 gift card
- 7:50pm- $75.00 gift card
Light refreshments will also be served. We hope you will join us for this fun event, and be sure to invite your friends to come with you! Mark your calendars now and we will see you on May 31st!