How to Enhance Your Space With Art
1. Change It Up! While we all love a fun new purchase, look around the house and make note of what you already have. Sometimes moving a loved piece to a new location can give it a completely new life and your room a completely new look! Below is an example of how a room can change it's "vibe" with simple swap of art!

2. Start a Gallery Wall! Gallery walls are especially popular these days. It's a great way to group pieces that you've collected and love even if they don't seem to quite all "fit" together. When creating a gallery wall, think about what things speak to you. The art you choose should embody quotes, colors, and objects that are true to you and your personality. The fun part about a gallery wall is there are no rules! Line items up to fit together like a puzzle (below) or get creative and spread everything out to have a more random whimsical look. Try laying everything out on the floor and arranging it in a way you like before you start having it on the wall. Don't worry if you mess up! You can always continue to add to a gallery wall and cover up any open spaces or replace pieces along the way! Click here for more gallery wall tips!

3. Group Similar Colors & Tones: When decorating your home, it's important to think about what colors your using and how they relate to each other. An easy way to know if a piece of art will look good in a grouping or in your space is based on the colors! Match the tone for a monochromatic look or find complementary colors to add more contrast! Need a refresher on your color wheel? Check out this color wheel calculator HERE!

4. Be Repetitive! While we tend to want to mix things up, sometimes repetition can be "the thing" that makes a room unique! For those of us who like order, repetition is also a way to give a room a calm and organized vibe. Look for objects that you love and fit your decor. An abstract piece, favorite flower or plant (like pictured below), or landscape painting are all examples of ways you could use repetition for your benefit.

5. Pay Attention To Themes & Styles: Unless you're creating a gallery wall, you want to consider what type of art you're hanging together in a space. Are you using canvases? Framed art? Wood pieces? Paintings? Try to keep similar items together. A thick canvas next to a beautifully framed painting might look odd placed together. Consider the type of art you're using and the style of the piece. Below we've placed together two farmhouse styled pieces of art and two beach themed pieces of art. While they are different, they both have similar elements!

6. Sizing! Think about the size of your art and how it's placement relates to everything else in the room. While holding an 8x10 frame in your hand might seem like a good size, it's going to look like a 4x6 image above your couch! Use big pieces of art over larger pieces of furniture and use smaller pieces of art on smaller spaces or to compliment larger pieces.
7. Lastly, Make A plan! Often we get excited about new changes and want to get everything done....yesterday! While it's tempting to eyeball where to hammer your nail, in the end you'll end up working twice as long when everything is off centered and crooked! Take your time collection everything you need: hammer, nails, level, measuring tape, command strips, stepstool, and pencil. Lay your art out on the floor in the order you want to place them on the wall. Draw out on a piece of paper the measurements of your wall and make sure you've leave enough space between each piece!