How To Choose The Best Wreath For Your Door
One of my favorite things to do is change the wreath on my front door each season!
Spring is here and its time once again to change my wreath from the drab colors of winter to the bright and fun colors of spring.
When selecting a wreath for your front door, there are several things you might think about.The first and most important is, “Do you love it?” Just because your neighbor next door has a wreath made of all ribbons doesn’t mean you have to the have the same if that is something you just don’t like!
Therefore, in deciding which wreath you like the best, consider your door color.Will the colors in the wreath complement or clash with your door and house colors. Size-size is another important factor.Some people want oversized wreaths while others desire a wreath that fits between their front glass door and the main wooden door. Do you have double doors and need two wreaths? If so, are you going to have the exact same wreath or two different wreaths?
Are you a fan of whimsical wreaths with hot pinks, lime greens, turquoise and yellows or would you rather have that farmhouse feel with birds, wildflowers and cotton? Maybe your favorite flower is a sunflower and you want your wreath filled with sunflowers.
Have you decided whether you want a mesh wreath or a grapevine wreath? Both types are great, but which do you prefer for your door? And bows-do you want a bow or maybe no bow at all!
Selecting a wreath is so much fun! There are so many things to think about when selecting your wreath, but the most important of all is to find the wreath that makes you say, “I LOVE IT!”
We can’t wait for you to stop into one of our Carolina Pottery stores to check out the huge variety of wreaths we offer all year long. We have dozens of styles, sizes, and colors to choose from – bright to neutral, whimsical to traditional. The possibilities are endless at Carolina Pottery!